Wednesday, 22 February 2012


I'm 16 years old. I love writing. I'm outgoing, and have always been involved in one form of extracurricular activity like tae kwon do or ballet. I'm viewed by many as smart, and likely to succeed. I've skipped a grade, and am currently doing a grade higher then the one I'm in (i.e 2 grades higher overall). I'm devoted to my work with a single minded determination.

My name is Dion.

I'm a perfectionist. I'm a pessimist. I fear what other people will think of me, and of being judged. I hate approaching people that I don't know because of this. I don't raise my hand in class because I'm afraid of being considered stupid. I've stopped doing all those activities that I love, and even hanging out with friends. I feel lonely. My grades have slipped, and my mood has fallen drastically. I fear failure, and yet I seem to be pursuing it. What people say about me and what I feel are completely different things. I'm tired of it! I will be who I will be and I don't care who knows it! I will no longer hide! From this day forward I will own my accomplishments, and stop belittling myself with negative talk!

I am beautiful. I am smart. I am unique. I am an athlete! And furthermore, I am not and will never be perfect!

This blog though is about my athletic goals. I used to get in 7-14 hours of exercise a week. I loved it! I miss it desperately. I've been insanely busy though and haven't been able to do much of anything (stupid all or nothing mentality) so I'm going to make it something that I will do every single day! Even if its only 10 minutes!

I have some overall fitness goals though:

-Run a 5k

-Run a half marathon

-Run a full marathon

-Do one hundred pushups

-Do two hundred squats

-Do two hundred situps

I don't have a time frame. I will just simply do - no use complicating things.
Also I want to experiment with recipes. I'm tired of eating unhealthy foods, like chocolate and fried greasy awfulness. I don't feel good after I eat it. Also, I'll admit it - I have an obsession with coke zero! I drink 2-4 of them a day! Not good... I don't drink any water. So another one of my goals is to incorporate water into my daily habits.

So with that being said today I made Peppers stuffed with Couscous and turkey

This picture is taken off of Roni's website

So this is by no means my recipe! But I figured I would link to the wonderful woman (Thanks Roni!) who created this culinary delight! It was very good! I added some gravy to it at the end, as well as some cranberry sauce (home made with no sugar added)
Overall it was really tasty. I love couscous! This is only the second time I've ever had it and yummy! I can't wait to try more recipes.

This one wasn't too time consuming as I have a chopper, though I imagine if you had to do it by hand it would take a while.

On the exercises front I haven't done any tonight but as soon as I finish posting I'm going on a walk!
I'm starting now - there is no someday in a week.

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