Monday, 19 March 2012

The wrong Direction

Hello lovlies! It's been a wonderful weekend, but I'm quite happy to have it over with, and perhaps some normalcy returning to my life. This post is going to be concise, cause I am very tired! I might not get to post tomorrow because I having a sleepover... sorry about that :( also I was messing around in the comment section and accidentally disabled, then in an attempt to re-enable them deleted them (I think?). I am reeeally sorry - I'm still getting the hang of this whole blogging thing hehe XD

Okay food Journal:


- 1/4 cup of egg whites, with 2.3 oz of banana chopped in it

- *Smoothie* 1 cup almond milk, 3.2 oz banana, 18 grams whey powder, 1 rice pudding (we were out of all other fruit so ya...)


- Pita from the pita pit

-6 oz sweet potato fries

- 1 peanut butter fibre bar


- 3 slices of home made pizza (gosh can my friend's mom cook!)


- 1 cinnabon bar

Calories eaten: 1832

Workout: This is where I was talking about with the post title. 2 days ago I posted my muscle mass percentage being 43.9. Well today it was 43.4  it doesn't bother me in the least bit as I realise that there is a certain error margin (and I don't expect to bulk up overnight) but still just noting the fluctuation, being in the wrong direction... 2 weeks from now and we'll see...

- Day 2 of Weights I used 5lb weights because this is the first time I've done this routine, but I'm going to up all of the sets in day 2 too 8lb weights next time and see how it goes.

-hour and a half walk with le friend (cold but a brilliant end to a brilliant day)

-2.5 mile jog around the block (again, and again, and again, hehe tomorrow I'll be running in the morning and able to jog outside of my cul-de-sac) 

Post notes:

- I'm sort of embarrassed to admit this but I sort of freaked out about tomorrow. I'm going in for my prom dress fitting. Last time I went I weighed 88.8 lbs (I'm really short but this was still underweight) but have since gained (on purpose) to 94.7 which is just within my healthy bracket. That being said it would absolutely kill me if they had to let the dress out. I know this is vain, and as I'm typing it I feel really silly but I just thought I would put it out there. Anyhow I'm off to bed, before I keel over from exhaustion. Night!

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