Thursday, 8 March 2012

Just another day

Hello Lovlies! How goes it?

Today has gone by extremely quick! To quick even to the point where I'm scrambling to tie up the lose ends (in particular homework) while still managing to get in all the other little things that mike my day complete!

Anyhow that being said today I'm going to get straight to the food log!

Breakfast 1: 6:30am

- 2 packets of weight control oatmeal Which is my absolute favorite! I think it's the soy grits in them that I like so much... hmmm

Breakfast 2: 9:30am

- 1.7oz grapes

Breakfast 3: 10:30am

- *tortilla concoction*: 1 tortilla wrap, 1 wedge of laughing cow cheese  , 1 tablespoon of E.D smiths no sugar added strawberry jam which by the way I think I have a slight obsession with jam....

Lunch 1: 11:30am

- 3.7oz lasagne

Lunch 2: 3:00pm

- 3/4 cup of veggie chili

- 1 wonton soup (frozen from costco)

Dinner 1: 6:30pm

- 1 fruit bagel from silverhills with 2 slices of laughing cow cheese and 2 tablespoons of E.D smiths so sugar added strawberry jam.

Dinner 2: 7:30pm

-Giant omlette: 4 eggs, 1 cup veggie chili, 2.5 sliced cashews. 

 - 1 bite of dark shcocolate ( 0.2oz)

Total Calories: 1949 

Also just wanted to add that I drank 5 cups of water. I'm pretty happy seeing that I only drank 1 of my customary 3 -4 coke zeros... plus I never drink water of my own free volitation so go me *toots my own horn*

Now I'm going to do some wights! Honestly last year I was an excorcise freak, and I miss that feeling of 'being active'. Well miss no longer - Here I go!

Hope ya'll have a great night! Probably won't post on friday/saturday, but will do a brain dump on Sunday!

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